Helping out Mama: with After Nine to Five

Posted on the 26 May 2012 by Nfldratheart @nfldratheart
While I'm waiting for baby to arrive and enjoying those first few moments once Pip has arrived I've got a few wonderful ladies looking after my blog. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and get ready to meet some fantastic people! -------------------------------------------------------- Helping out Mama: with After Nine to Five
  • 16oz of Ricotta Cheese
  • 1/2 Cup of Parmesan Cheese
  • Two jars of spaghetti sauce (any flavor)
  • One 12oz package of Boca Meatless Ground Crumbles
  • One package of Barilla No Boil lasagna noodles
  • 16oz of Mozarella Cheese
  • Two medium eggs
  • Mushrooms (Optional)
Helping out Mama: with After Nine to FivePreheat the oven to 375° and lightly grease a 9" x 13" baking panHelping out Mama: with After Nine to FiveBeat eggs together in mixing bowl. Add in all of the Ricotta, 2 cups of Mozarella cheese, and all of the Parmesan. Mix thoroughly.Helping out Mama: with After Nine to FiveMicrowave the entire bag of the Boca Crumbles in a microwave safe dish for 2.5 minutes. Let sit.Helping out Mama: with After Nine to FiveSpread 1 cup of sauce in the panLay 4 noodles, slightly overlapping, over the sauce.
Spread 1/3 of the Ricotta mixture from Step 1 over the noodles
Spread half of the Boca Crumbles over the Ricotta mixture
Sprinkle 1 cup of Mozarella cheese over the Boca CrumblesRepeat steps 3-6 {1 cup of sauce, 4 noodles, 1/3 of the Ricotta mixture, and the rest of the Boca Crumbles}Repeat steps 3-5 - 1 cup of sauce, 4 noodles, and the rest of the Ricotta mixtureRepeat steps 3-4 - 1 cup of sauce and the rest of the noodlesSpread the remaining sauce and top with mushrooms if you'd like. My husband loves mushrooms, I don't. ;)
Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top Cover with foil. A pan underneath isn't necessary, but works well in case it boils over at all. Bake until bubbly, between 45-60 minutes depending on your oven. Remove foil and bake for another 5 minutes to melt cheese.
Remove from over and let sit 15-20 minutesSlice and serve. I can easily get 16 servings out of ours.
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------From Ashley, at After Nine to Five