Henry James is four months old! How is he four months old already?! I can't get over just how much he has changed in the last month. Personality wise, it would seem he is developing a sensitive little soul, or as I like to call him, my little wuss pot (only kidding). He is becoming more aware of the world around him and can be very unsure of unfamiliar noises etc. However, he does love to meet new people and is seemingly pretty confident, he doesn't mind being "passed around". This is making me feel a little more at ease because in just a few months I will be returning to work, so I'm hoping he will continue being a confident little chap when he is away from me.
As I am going back to work when he is around six/seven months, we have been working on trying to get him used to a bottle. He is still exclusively being breastfed (Whoop, I'm now at the four month mark!!!) but, I recently started to express and we've done a couple of bottle feeds. He hasn't quite got the hang of it yet, but I'm hoping we have time to master it! I will, of course do a separate post on this.

My little guy can now roll pretty well, front to back and back to front - he likes to be on the move. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm writing about how he is attempting to crawl in the next updates. This boy doesn't like to keep still.
He is becoming more and more of a chatter box, constantly talking to us all the time. He even has conversations with the dog. I had forgotten how much I just love this stage in their little lives, all their new discoveries and accomplishments whilst may seem so insignificant to some, but for a parent and their child they mean the world.

Nothing much else to report, accept he (and his sister) continues to fill our lives with love and joy.
Mummy B xoxox