Her Campus

Posted on the 28 October 2013 by Brittanypigg @twinkletoesbrit
For the past few weeks, I have been trying to get a Her Campus chapter on my campus. I blog with the Her Campus Blogger Network and could not be more happy with this company. Unfortunately, I have too much on my plate to be the president/editor-in-chief of a Her Campus Chapter. I am interested in co-applying with someone else, though! (Any University of South Alabama student that enjoys writing- help me start a chapter!!)
Do you want to start a chapter? (You should!)
What’s a “My Campus” chapter?
A My Campus chapter is a section on HerCampus.com devoted to your school, with the following seven features: News, Photo Blog, Campus Celebrities, Events, Polls, Campus Cuties, Blog—so that readers from your school can have an individualized experience on HerCampus.com.
What are the responsibilities of a President/Editor-In-Chief?
  • Editorial: Create new content for each of the seven features and upload it to the site on a weekly basis (no prior web experience required).
  • Publicity: Publicize HerCampus.com and your “My Campus” chapter on your campus.
  • Team: Build a staff at your school to work under you to grow your chapter.
  • Marketing: Work with HC National on large-scale client marketing programs that your chapter is selected to do, which may include sponsored blog posts and social media, campus sampling, and campus events.
High Schoolers-
You are not forgotten! The Her Campus High School Ambassador program runs every school year from September to May. Each week, you'll learn a new skill that's crucial to making it in the communications industry – then you'll put it into practice! During any given week, you may be writing articles and blog posts; spreading the word about Her Campus via creative projects, contests, and campaigns; and serving as a consultant to the Her Campus Team on high school trends and hot topics.
One of the benefits of having a Her Campus chapter is the awesome stuff that the sponsors send! I was sent a Back to School survival kit that is sent annually to all chapters too, in order to show you how cool they are!
Her Campus LUNA bars help you wake up every day and make things happen and are the perfect way to satisfy your cravings in a nutritious way! LUNA offers many delicious bars to help you positively snack and make healthy (and happy!) food choices to power you through your busy days from class, to Her Campus meetings, to a fun night out! I got the White Chocolate Macadamia flavor, and I LOVE them! These are made by the same people who make Clif bars, so you know they're good!
Poppin proves that school supplies and dorm décor do not need to be boring anymore! They help you rule the classroom and campus in style and color because they aren’t just an office supply company; they sell workstyle products that allow you to work happy With my new colorful notebooks and pens I am guaranteed to brighten up my campus! For $5 off your next purchase, use code: DORMSTYLE. Instagram your new Poppin products with the hashtag #dormstyle and enter to win a complete Poppin desk makeover!
Chipotle sent me a Buy-One-Get-One Free Card so my bestie and I can enjoy a burrito together. The chapters all received free catering for 40 people! Text DORM to 888222 to enter to win a catered dorm party for 40! Chipotle is now hiring student brand managers! Click here for more info!

SK Energy shots provide GOOD energy without the jitters and crash. How?
WHAT WE PUT IN. We added in beneficial ingredients like antioxidants and Vitamins B3, B6,  and B12.  Made with 100% natural flavors and no artificial flavors, sugar, carbs or calories.
WHAT WE LEFT OUT.  We left out common, controversial industry ingredients like taurine, guarana and ginseng. And we have no sugars or calories, so you never feel the jitters or crash.
They sent me 12 energy shots to give to my friends! 

Neuro SONIC provides great taste and sustained, focused energy. Neuro SONIC energizes your life and helps you focus on what matters. Most importantly, Neuro SONIC will give you more go.
  • Increases alertness
  • Sustains energy
  • Supports mental performance
Neuro offers SONIC study breaks and will come to YOUR campus to set up a study break lounge (complete with Neuro SONIC, music, wifi hotspot, furniture, backdrop, Neurogive-aways & more!) These are a great idea for sorority houses, Her Campus meetings, late night study sessions, or a fun pre-party idea!