Diaries Magazine

Hey, Hey, Hey! It's Vlog Swap Day!

Posted on the 02 February 2012 by Shayes @shayes08
Happy Thursday, followers!
At least I'm hoping it's a happy Thursday for you all. It's actually pretty dreary and bleh here, but I'm stuck inside all day at work, so it doesn't make much of a difference. Anywho...today is an exciting day.
A while back, Jas over at Smile Big and Pretty got this super awesome idea that those of us at 20 Something Bloggers (which you should totally check it out you're in your 20s and not a part!) should do a Get To Know Your Fellow Blogger (henceforth referred to as GTKYFB) Vlog swap. It was inspired by some of those crazy long and ridiculous surveys we used to take way back in the days of MySpace and LiveJournal (I know you did it, too!).
<editor's note> There was a switch. But because work was crazy, I didn't find out about it until I was at rehearsal and it's really hard to embed a YouTube video in a blog post on your iPhone. Fun fact. Anyway...changing it up. So if you already were here today, you get to meet another awesome blogger. Hooray! </editor's note>
So joining us today here at Shades of Shayes is the Erin from The Post Modern Talko. Hit it Erin!

You can check out my video by heading over to Erin's blog at some point today. After today, it'll be up in the videos section of my blog.
(Side note: I realize my videos page has been under construction for forever. Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll get a chance to upload several more videos onto my YouTube channel and post them here. But my life is crazy right now, so no promises!)
I hope you all enjoyed getting to know Erin just a bit. And seriously...go check out her blog. It's pretty awesome. Plus, you'll get to find out a bit more about me! (And see how awkward I am on camera...at least I feel like I'm awkward.)
Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, wonderfuls! (Even if it is a bit rainy.)
[insert catchy signature here]
-- Shayes.
PS. Maybe this weekend I will come up with a catchy signature to use all the time. And maybe an actual signature? Who knows...

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