On Monday I went to the HGTV Block Party in NYC and had a great time! There was amazing networking with other DIY and home decor bloggers and influencers, delish treats and lots of useful information.I made an awesome macrame plant holder there. It was so easy! I'll drop a tutorial at the end.I really enjoyed the panel discussion with Erin Vogelpohl of @mytexashouse. Lots of great insight!Unfortunately, I left after only 2 hours when I went to put more money in the meter to find a HUGE parking ticket on my dashboard. Gotta love the BIG Apple. SMH Erin Vogelpohl of @mytexashouse Finally met DIY blogger and social media friend @avdoeswhat! Lots of yummy libations and treats! DIY Macrame Planter Station, mine now hangs at my front door.Enjoy this easy tuturial!