Diaries Magazine

Higlights of My Week {iPhoneography}

Posted on the 07 November 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
Higlights of My Week {iPhoneography}  Tulip leaves have the most beautiful textures and shapes. The oval and graceful form of tulip flowers does catch my attention ... like this tulip in the morning light. I have edited this snapshot with Handy Photo, Snapseed and Mextures - Apps.  Higlights of My Week {iPhoneography}
The sound of rain has lulled us in sleep this week. The few times I have been outdoors, I've admired the small raindrops resting on the leaves. According to the weather forecast the rainy clouds continue to hover above us this coming weekend as well.
Higlights of My Week {iPhoneography}
It's getting dark earlier in the afternoon. I noticed the texture of the tiles in our landry roon anew, as the light fell to the dark room.
"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present."
Francis Bacon

Higlights of My Week {iPhoneography}

Textures Mixed by Kim Klassen and Coffee Break by Nancy Clayes.

An unexpected shared moment with a friend highlighted my week ... Cathing up, coffee and danish wienerbrød , and candles to lighten up the afternoon.
Rest and medicin has helped with my neck, the number og good days outnumbers the bad days now!

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