Well, Becoming His Girl was beautiful (no pun intended), and now it’s time for REAL MEN, the male version of this event. I’m gonna post some pics of Becoming His Girl first, then we’ll discuss how the boys can get get so much wisdom (and have some much fun) in their own event via Real Men. Shall we proceed?
Becoming His Girl pics
Welcome, young ladies!
The very feminine entrance
The very handsome male ushers, hilariously wearing pink for the occasion.
The venue, CCF-CDO. Praying for a full house...
...and a full house it was! Hundreds of high school and college girls attended!
Some of these girls are really, really young. (Psst. spot my daughter in the back in a very unflattering pose, haha)
Cool all-girl teen band leading worship
One of my favorite Hillsong songs, sung by beautiful voices.
The speaker for the night, our beloved Blessie Melicor
Couldn't agree more. Now that's true beauty! Ms. Blessie nailed the message, too.
God is in the business of changing lives. This young woman is proof that He can do that powerfully.
Another beautiful before-and-after testimony.
A very cute little girl enjoying the photo booth
Trust me, a LOT goes on behind the scenes of events like these.
The Elevate girls are blessed to be mentored by several young women. These here are just a few of them.
The emcees of the night
The Elevate power couple, Chad and Quennie. The youth ministry has thrived under their leadership.
So now, it’s the boys’ turn. On 6:00pm, September 27, 2013, Elevate will host Real Men.
If you have teen boys, take the time and effort to bring him here. Why? Well, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I bet you if you ask teen boys today what real manhood means, you’d get a few of them scratching their heads and the rest would give unsatisfactory answers. Indeed, so few of these young souls are blessed with examples and mentors to guide them towards true manliness.
Here’s a promo video for you. It has been shown every Sunday at CCF-CDO for some time now, and during the recently concluded iChange youth mega-event as well (will blog about that soon).
Of course, the primary responsibility for bringing up boys belong to their fathers; but a) many of today’s generation of fathers are either not there at all or are disinterested/too busy; and b) it pays to have a great partner in Elevate, whether dad is doing his job or not (remember, Elevate is absolutely huge on mentoring). Besides, peer relationships and “kuya” role models are a strong influence for boys in this age, and Elevate provides great camaraderie.
And so, here’s the details.
Event: Real Men
Date: September 27, 2013
Time: 6:00 PM
Venue: CCF-Cagayan de Oro
Hope you will bring your young men!
Recommended Reading: Check out my article on books for teens. You can also check out my article on books that dads can read.
(This blog site, Lessons Of A Dad is mostly about parenting, marriage, and other topics aimed to develop the reader’s mind, body, and soul. I’d consider it an honor if you’d follow or subscribe to this site. You can also go to my Facebook page here, and I’m also on Twitter at @lessonsofadad)