…Hit the Mark

Posted on the 16 February 2015 by Zer @the2women

“American Sniper,” shows a side of war that is often overlooked by Hollywood. Clint Eastwood’s film takes a closer look at the invisible scars left by war.

“American Sniper,” tells the true story of US Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle.

Following the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania, Kyle (played by Bradley Cooper) decides to enlist with the U.S. Navy, and is accepted for SEAL training. Following the 9/11 attacks, Kyle is deployed to Iraq, where he earns the nickname Legend as one of the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history with 160 confirmed kills.

What the film makes clear is that none of these kills are taken lightly. Kyle is visibly upset by more than a few of the tough decisions he has to make while protecting his fellow troops.

Kyle served four tours in the Iraq War, and with each tour, the difficulty of returning to civilian life becomes more and more painful. While trying to be a good husband and father, Kyle is distracted by memories of war.

It’s a tough movie to watch at times, especially considering that the trial surrounding Kyle’s murder in 2013 is still a top news story. But it’s an important film, and reminds us all of what our troops are sacrificing when they volunteer their service to our country.

That’s not to say it doesn’t have its fault. While the film does a good job of remembering the gray areas of war when it comes to Kyle’s marks, it loses this message with its focus on the “rivalry” between Kyle and the expert insurgent sniper, Mustafa.

Unfortunately, Kyle’s impressive shot to take down Mustafa loses some of its power because of the action-flick manner in which the scene is delivered. It doesn’t match the rest of the film, and it undoes some of the good done by the rest of the film.

Still, “American Sniper,” is a strong contender in this year’s Oscar battle, and deserving of its nomination.

…just for fun: