Diaries Magazine

Hola De Nicaragua!

Posted on the 15 March 2014 by Maggyruth @maggyruth

It’s finally arrived…something I’ve been working on since about this time last year…I am on Spring Break and in Nicaragua. Today I am thankful that I am not the only one of my group here…and that the other member that is with me speaks Spanish fluently. While traveling on my own is generally not a big issue, traveling to a country where you have extremely limited language skills has the potential of being a problem.

This time last year was an interesting time for me…not necessarily in a good way but it gave me some focus and desire to lead my life a little differently. I came up with the idea that, from then on, I was going to make it count. While I haven’t always been the best at it, I have still done more (I think) than I would have if I were just going through the motions. My goal while I’m here in Nica is to take it all in and then to go forth and do something with it. I’m wary of the idea that many from the US have about ‘fixing’ the problems of the developing world, but that does not mean that I cannot observe and learn…and take that going forward.

I truly appreciate the opportunity I have to be here. The bulk of the funds for this trip came from sources external of me…from family to friends to someone I have never even met. I am thankful to each and every one and will strive to insure their generosity does not go to waste.

There will be pictures eventually…today has been a rather uneventful day of travel and napping. There is great beauty here…and I’m sure I will see it in ways I never expected.

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