Hold the Bell Peppers…and the Onions…and…

Posted on the 23 January 2012 by Lildevilmama @lildevilmama

Seeing as how I absolutely dislike the whole concept of dieting and the rigors that one puts themselves through to conform to a whole standard based on something that might work for some but not everyone, I was kinda sorta not sure what to think about the Fresh Diet concept. Mama is skeptic when it comes to this kinda stuff. So I went into the seven days of Fresh Diet delivery with a healthy amount of Mama’s patented ‘this is going to be awful’ thinking.

And here I am done with my Fresh Diet days and I miss it. Terribly. Seriously, it was awesome.

The food selection process on the website is serious easy peasy. Mama was able to tell the website that I hate bell peppers and cringe at onions and it remembered. I’ve dated men who couldn’t remember my last name! But the peeps at Fresh Diet made it easy to not have to think about food let alone if I needed to bring my picking game to the lunch table.

One of my beefs with many of these ‘healthy’ meal plans whether you buy them on-line or at the grocery store you end up suffering through things that make you whole body cringe in disgust. And that kinda stuff is a Mama dealbreaker. Every time I picked my daily food selections the remarkably genius website would warn me if I was picking something that had those gross greenies or if I was exceeding my carb limit for the day. Seriously all kinds of winning if I can eat wicked good food and not have to think about it.

I couldn't help but Instagram all my meals!

Being a busy single Mama this deal was more than ideal is was stellar. There are days I forget to pack a lunch or take leftovers from Jeebus know when and they taste definitely leftover. But this was awesome. The food was always tasty and it helped me train myself how to portion off my food in a way that would satisfy my hunger but not over do it. I seriously fell in hearts and puppies with the food. Yummy and healthy and some stuff I would never have the frame of mind to make for myself during the week between packing the Monkey’s Spiderman lunch for snack and making sure the coffee gets poured in the morning. *Sigh* Fresh Diet you have ruined me.

There is a wicked special discount just for Mama’s friends! Here’s the deal:  “Start today for $29.99 per day and get 3 days free” Use the promo code is: singlejan3 and give it a whirl!!

Let me know what y’all think!

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