Holiday Wine Glass Decorations!!!

Posted on the 24 November 2013 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

Your famed “Wino” is here to showcase some fun holiday crafts with Wine Glasses.  I thought what better way to decorate for the holidays than one of my favorite go to items: Wine Glasses.

Holiday Tablescape

Often we are looking for a great tablescape for the holidays.  I quickly purchased some of my favorite candies: M&M’s and Cadberry Chocolate and created a winter tablescape scene with Pine Trees and people doing a variety of winter activities.  It was something that truly captured the season.

Another fun way to decorate with wine glasses is turning the glasses upside down and creating candle holders.  You can decorate the insides of the wine glasses in a variety of ways:

Wine Glass Candle Holders

From putting ornaments within the wine glass to turning the inside into a beautiful winter scene, it makes for a great way to decorate around the home.  Other ideas include:

Wine glass candle

Throw tinsel on the inside of the glass or even tree garland to create a fun, easy holiday decoration.

Put these candles along a favorite table runner to make an adorable decorative scene.  Have a different decoration in each candle holder, or keep them all the same.  Ideas are endless.

And the last craft I tried to attempt for this holiday season was turning a wine glass into a snowglobe:



Winter Scene Decorations

Bath Salt

Super Glue

Wine Glass


Put your wine glass facedown on cardboard then draw a circle around the outside of the wine glass.  Cut out cardboard circles.

 On the cardboard glue your winter scene or decoration.  Pour bath salt into the glass then insert your winter scene into the glass so cardboard is at bottom of glass.  Glue around wine glass rim and cardboard bottom until they are completely glued together.  Then shake and enjoy your snow globe.

Hope you enjoy these fun decorations and crafts for this holiday season.  A little fun with wine glasses.
