Holiday Me
School holidays and assignments don’t mix. I know it is quite obvious but I thought I would have more done by now. Hubby goes back to work on Monday and the house is in a state as well. After today my first assignment will be done as it is due today and still not complete. I have done a lot of work on it, but need to finish it off. University lets you submit till midnight of the day it is due, I will check with the marker if that is so.
I have asked hubby to take the kids or at least keep them busy while I work on it today, it would be nice to have it complete and not have to slave over it tonight. After this one the other one is due on the 25th and then I am done, no more assignments.
One other issue is that I am focused on finishing the degree but have two assignments yet to do, so not finished yet. It is like being at work and summer holidays are around the corner and mentally you have already left the building and are sitting on the beach sipping the cocktail. Mentally I have already graduated and is on permanent holiday. In reality I need to motivate myself to get energised and do an excellent job on the final two assignments of my degree. You never know, these assignments might help get me a better grade if done well.
Do you do this to yourself, future think and then you are not that motivated on the current task. On holidays and still at work? Graduated but still need to complete assignments? If I don’t keep focused there will be no graduation as failure to submit these assignments will mean I fail the course. So chin up me and get it done! I can do it. I want to graduate don’t I?
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