Self Expression Magazine

Holidays Over

Posted on the 01 November 2009 by Stealthbeggar @stealthbeggar
And, I'm back. Holidays are over and I'm back at work, but the end is in sight. It made it a lot easier to get back into work knowing that I'd only be there for another couple of months at the most. I'll ship out in January I think, depending on what I want to do. I'm looking at TAFE and tossing up between Massage or Media studies, which are two very different areas of study I know but they both interest me. The Media studies would go well with the degree I have but I might wanna broaden my skill set a bit with the massage, plus it would be interesting and rewarding I think.
I considered doing youth counseling when I was younger but these days I'm not sure I could handle having that amount of shit in my life. I have my hands full enough with my own issues and my friends turbulent lifestyles without adding strangers stuff to it. I miss those days a bit really, when I wasn't some tired, jaded, horny guy who takes a lot to heart but lacks the motivation to react in any constructive fashion.
Anyway, point being, times are going to change. The rest of the holiday was great fun and involved more booze than I probably would have liked but I'm rapidly learning that once I stop feeling guilty about things that don't actually have any consequence then I actually get around to doing other stuff a lot quicker and feel better anyway. There seem to be a lot of birthdays around this time of year, though I guess Valentines day is nine months before this period so maybe that's got something to do with it. The races were good this year but I missed having the ladies with us. I don't think I actually talked to any of the girls there this year which was a bit of a downer but at the same time my confidence has been a bit low on account of my looks lately.
Speaking of which I've been doing my cardio in the form of skipping and it's been good, and I went to the gym on Friday which was good. I got drunk last night and was late to work this morning which wasn't too flash though, but I did manage to control myself not to get Hungry Jacks and just ate a fruit salad for lunch, which was great. If I can do that when I'm in the depths of a wine hangover I should be able to do it when I'm in any decent state. I haven't noticed any lost weight lately but I'm not expecting it to fall off me like it did last time, mainly because I'm not working a cardio intensive job. I'd love to have one of those jobs you can work four hours a day and leave early and shit. It'd be nice to have that much time to play with.
Anyway I'm gonna take my leave now and maybe ring a friend and have a chat. Once again, I find myself after a great weekend with mates alone and missing the good times. Bleah. Peace out.

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