Holy Mackeroli – What a Day!

Posted on the 26 April 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Ok, where do I even begin with how insane but amazing today was? It all started with my guest post going up on Rants from Mommyland. Rants was the first blog I ever read and I have been addicted since. It is the perfect approach to parenting – through sarcasm, inappropriate language and lots of laughter. And I can’t tell you how psyched I was to be a guest blogger – no joke, it’s like a dream come true. So I picked to feature my letter to my breasts. I’m hoping that by putting my boobies in the spotlight, they’ll agree to perk up more… to read it, click HERE.

Then, a bunch of folks came to visit the site and joined the fun on our Facebook page. Awesome. I love interacting with everyone – seriously fun time.

Then, I just got notified that my latest Huffington Post piece was picked to be on the front page of the Parents section of The Huffington Post.  What??? Seriously???  Yeah, I’m totally serious. It’s a piece I wrote for Blogger Idol and still hold dear. It’s called “Things I Can’t Tell My Daughter” – hope you’ll check it out… to read it, click HERE.

So now I’m assuming the end of the world is coming and I’m never going to use my free Cold Stone Creamery coupons…come to think of it, maybe I’ll celebrate with ice cream, considering that it is obviously all going to pot after today…Well hell, at least I won’t have to lose those 10 lbs before bathing suit season.