Self Expression Magazine

Home Style: Wall Stickers

Posted on the 06 July 2016 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

I often find myself getting bored very quickly when it comes to home decor, and I like to be able to change the style and look of a room quite quickly - as our home is rented we're not able to do a great deal of renovating so instead I like to use "quick fixes" that enable me to change the look of a room without doing anything that requires much "putting right" if and when we move house.
Wall stickers are perfect for this, and we've already made use of them in our home a few times....we have a "family wall" in our playroom for canvases of our changing family throughout the years, and we used a Family Tree wall sticker to create the look, similar to this one:
Home Style: Wall Stickers
Over the next few weeks we'll be doing up Tyne's bedroom into more of a "big boy" style and getting it ready for Noah to move into over the coming months... I've been looking around at wall stickers for kids rooms to give it a bit of a new look, these are the ones I've narrowed it down to.
Home Style: Wall Stickers
Tyne is still really into trains so I think this one would be just perfect for him and I love the idea of using a personalised wall sticker above each of the boys beds, to kind of stake their claim over their own halves of the bedroom.
Home Style: Wall Stickers
This one would be ideal for Noah, don't you think?!
Home Style: Wall Stickers
And this one would be great for setting up the Pirate theme we're thinking of going with, as Tyne is just obsessed with all things Jake & The Neverland Pirates at the moment.
Do you use Wall stickers in your home?
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