Diaries Magazine

Homegrown Heroes

Posted on the 15 May 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
Dedicated to my sister and brother in law, who deploys to Afghanistan today.
They say it won't last but a couple of months.  A couple leads to three, three to six, and six to nine.  Deployments look different for everyone.  For some it's a father leaving his wife and children behind.  It's a daughter leaving her grieving mother.  It's a homegrown hero leaving his pregnant wife. 
Uncertainty, fear, all of these emotions arise.  One that cannot is doubt.  Doubt cannot creep.  Doubt that they love you, doubt that this is right, doubt that every second they aren't thinking of you.  For one thing, love grows stronger, fiercer, deeper.  These homegrown heroes plant a seed of courage.  These homegrown heroes plant a seed of patriotism.  These homegrown heroes plant a seed of pride. Don't let the seed die.  Pray for the troops, Marines, all branches.  They are all branches holding this country high. 
Disagreements set aside, these are our men.  These are our boys who have served us well.  We pray for those who've lost, and we pray that no more will lose.  We pray for those who weep the loss of their husband, boyfriend, brother, and son.  We pray for the missing father, and for the wounded husband. These are our homegrown heroes. 
Homegrown Heroes   We love you Wesley! Come home soon!

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