SomewhereThe state of our homelandBecomes a conversation piece(Have you heard the latest on the Geneva Report?)For people to deploreAnd pityAnd we frown.
Why can’t they also cherish and celebrateWe ask,With the smell of the seaAnd the taste of thambili(not iced please)With the sound of papare(at an ear-splitting decibel)And the feel of prideWhen the bat and ball come out to play
Why can’t they talk of the warm sun(preferably under 32 degrees)The laughing children
Isso wade spicy and steaming
(dekkak denda) We demand?After all we live hereAnd we don’t deplore and scold
But somewhere in our livesWe forgot thatWe began to learn to live with the sounds of despair(Ayio another bomb blast)Accept blood-soaked retributionFail to see the hopelessness(That’s how things are no)People have in their eyes
We cluck and cawAnd sigh and deplore(Don't know what things are coming to men)For a minute or twoAnd then go back to our lives(So have you heard the latest on the Perera wedding?)And say there is nothing we can do
Somewhere far awayPeople talk of our land in parliamentsLike they know
And we frown(These bloody Westerners!)But stillWe do nothing
We hear them deplore and pityAnd the hopelessness growsWhile we do