Homeland Could Be Jazzier

Posted on the 14 December 2012 by Daralaine @daralaine

It’s Friday night and I’m doing a ‘lel blogging.

Did you know that one of the great things about being single is that you can eat Indian food whenever you want and nobody cares (except the two parents you live with but they can’t break up with you, so whatever). Also, I’ve watched two different programs today that included a moos-tach-ee-ode Steve Harvey, and I taught myself how to cross-stitch. Steve was giving some advice on marriage and I learned a lot, so if any gentleman would like me to embroider you a t-shirt made out of some wife material jus. leh. meh. know.

To carry you into the weekend, I’d like to share a video with you that you’ll only get if you watch Homeland. If you’ve never seen Homeland, go watch the two seasons and then while you’re at it watch Nashville, but before both of those watch Happy Endings, and then come back and watch this video created by the hilarious Julie Klausner for Vulture.com (click-y clack-y scat, scat, scat below).