Homemade Bone Broth

Posted on the 17 January 2015 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

In the last year and since doing the Whole30 program, I have come up with a few go to recipes that I now make on a regular basis. Bone broth is one of them.

Delicious on every level and useful in a million ways, you can drink a nice hot cup in the afternoon, use it in cooking…I put this in everything that needs a tasty flavour, it makes amazing gravies or flavours up a stir fry just to name a few.

And it’s easy to make, put your ingredients in your slow cooker, and walk away for a couple of days!!! Except the smell will make you keep checking it, and stirring it, and waiting for that first delicious sip…

What you need:


  • A slow cooker. I have a small one I use specifically for my broth, it makes the perfect batch size.
  • Bones. Any kind will do. I save mine from cooked meat (freeze them til you have enough) and I buy beef soup bones, which make it delicious. (This is also amazing using your leftover chicken carcass)
  • Veggies. Absolutely whatever kind you like. My favourites are onions, carrots and squash with a good helping of chopped garlic thrown in.
  • Cold water. Enough to fill the crock pot.
  • Salt and Pepper.

What you do:

  1. Chop veggies in chunks.
  2. Throw everything in the crock pot, turn it on low and walk away.
  3. Except you will be back to stir, and taste and drool, because it smells awesome.
  4. Let simmer for at least 12 hours and up to 48 hours.


I store one mason jar in the fridge at all times and freeze the rest. Just make sure if you are freezing them in glass jars you allow at least an inch of room at the top for expansion.

One other tip…once that broth has been in the fridge you can skim the fat of the top really easily, I don’t particularly like to have that much fat when I am just drinking the broth so I always skim it off.

So easy, so useful…and super delicious!!