Homemade Yam Chips…

Posted on the 21 June 2014 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

As you know I have been on the Whole30 Program for the last couple of weeks now. One of the thing I really miss is crunchy treats. Slowly I am finding new delicious food to eat that is good for me as well, this is one of those recipes. It is a little bit time consuming, but worth every second, and they are so delicious!!

Here is what you need:

  •  Yams ( I usually use 2 small and end up with two trays of chips, it is time consuming so it pays to make lots)
  • Olive Oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Coarse Sea Salt
  • Cookie sheets
  • Parchment paper


What you do:

Preheat oven to 220°.

Slice the Yams very thin, this is key. If they are too thick they take eons to cook and will always end up rubbery and not crunchy. If you have a mandolin (which I am indeed buying today) you will have better luck with the slicing. I nearly cut the end of my finger off yesterday trying to go super thin with a really sharp knife, so be careful.

Place your parchment paper on your cookie sheets, and layer the chips on parchment paper, in a single layer. Drizzle Olive Oil very lightly on chips, spread evenly over chips with a basting brush.  You want the chips covered to the point of being shiny but you don’t want them drowning in oil. I have found you only need about a teaspoon per tray to do the job. Once you have the oil evenly spread, sprinkle the chips with cinnamon, a little or a lot, it’s up to you! Next add your salt, to  taste.

Place chips in oven and bake for 45 minutes.

Remove from oven and flip the chips to the other side, I don’t add anything else to the chips at this point, but you will notice a bit of oil on the underside when you flip them.

Continue cooking for 45 minutes longer.

Once your time is up, you may still need more to make the chips crunchy. I have found that it really varies based on how thick the chips are and it takes a bit of taste testing :)

I like my chips really crunchy so it takes about a half hour longer than the above time. Don’t think that turning the oven up hotter will make them cook faster and crunchier, they will just burn, trust me on this. My impatience can be your lesson learned. Patience is really necessary.

Yam Chips

I guarantee you won’t miss that big ole bag of bad for you chips…these are so delicious and full of flavor.

Happy Saturday!!