Honestly Real?

Posted on the 01 November 2021 by C. Suresh

You know, some words are really strange. Like, take this word 'honestly' for example. Or its first cousin, 'really'. Nice words that you expect to be oozing with genuineness. But, unfortunately, when it comes to real life usage, you seldom come across any other words which are so surrounded by the fog of disbelief as these two.

No? Tell me, when you hear someone say, "I honestly wanted to come to your party, you know. Unfortunately, at the last moment, someone landed up home...", you believe him implicitly? Or does that word 'honestly', right at the beginning, trigger off the feeling: 'Here comes the lie - white or otherwise?'

Even if, indeed, the chap is telling the truth, the words reek of disbelief. Or, more to the point, the fear of disbelief. I mean, when is the last time you used 'honestly' or 'really' when you said something truthful? Do you say, "I really had my breakfast". Never. UNLESS, of course, you are declining someone's hospitality when you are saying so. AND, in that case, you feel pressed to add that 'really' or 'honestly' because you fear that they may disbelieve you and take offense, otherwise.

Thanks to the fact that everyone does it, and more often than not to cover a lie, saying that is EXACTLY what causes people to disbelieve you. All that saying it does for you is to portray you as a sort of wuss. Either because you are going through life expecting people to be disbelieving you OR because you are seen as a coward who tries to weasel out of any possible conflict by lying OR both.

Take it from me. Use 'honestly' and 'really' too often and, with nary a lie uttered in all your life, you will acquire the reputation of being undependable.

You honestly do not believe me? Really?