Diaries Magazine
Honestly Rude?
Posted on the 24 November 2014 by C. Suresh
Someone said, "A true friend is he who does not shy away from pointing out your faults" or some such thing. If I could only get my hands on that @#?$ .... The problem, you see, is that I have a lot of friends who think that their duty as friends consists exclusively of pointing out my faults. If there is anything else to friendship, they sure do not acknowledge those things.
Take this particular incident for example. A time when I came to a friend wanting some sympathy and support. And THIS is what I got.
"Yaar! I think people are just unable to hear the truth. And they call me rude merely because I tell it."
"What - like the time we went to Sweta's wedding reception and you yelled, 'Hey! Your husband is bald'"?
"But it WAS the truth."
"And you thought that it had somehow escaped Sweta's notice all along and it was your duty to warn her of it?"
"Ah! You thought that the rest of us would fail to notice it and it was important to inform us about it?"
"Maybe you just thought it was important for all truths to be told? But...looks to me that you did not tell the other truth that he had a very charming smile...which you mentioned to us later."
"Skip that! But you cannot say that I was wrong in correcting Varun's English. I mean, he was writing 'its' when he should have been using 'it's'"
"Quite! But did you really need to tell him that if this was the best he could do, he should go back to kindergarten and start learning English all over again?"
"If you are acting so wise, what would YOU have said?"
"I would have told him that he had written 'its' by mistake when he meant to write 'it's'. Why would I assume that it was not just a mistake? And, even if I knew it was not, why should I try to make him look like a fool?"
"You always put me on the wrong foot. But, tell me, what was wrong with my telling Ashish that it was surprising that he had got a job in finance, when he managed to muck up every problem in maths all through school? You know it is true and you have said it yourself." I said triumphantly.
"Not in front of his new boss and colleagues - or did you forget that you uttered that pearl of wisdom when we bumped into him at the restaurant where they were dining together?"
"So, of course, Ashish must be very joyous about the fact that this home truth about him was shared with his new boss."
"When you say it, it is OK! When I say it, it is rude, huh?"
"You idiot! As long as you never learn what, how and where to say things, you will always be considered rude and not merely honest."
"I came to you for support. Why are you being so rude to me?"
"Rude? Not at all. I am only being honest."
Take this particular incident for example. A time when I came to a friend wanting some sympathy and support. And THIS is what I got.
"Yaar! I think people are just unable to hear the truth. And they call me rude merely because I tell it."
"What - like the time we went to Sweta's wedding reception and you yelled, 'Hey! Your husband is bald'"?
"But it WAS the truth."
"And you thought that it had somehow escaped Sweta's notice all along and it was your duty to warn her of it?"
"Ah! You thought that the rest of us would fail to notice it and it was important to inform us about it?"
"Maybe you just thought it was important for all truths to be told? But...looks to me that you did not tell the other truth that he had a very charming smile...which you mentioned to us later."
"Skip that! But you cannot say that I was wrong in correcting Varun's English. I mean, he was writing 'its' when he should have been using 'it's'"
"Quite! But did you really need to tell him that if this was the best he could do, he should go back to kindergarten and start learning English all over again?"
"If you are acting so wise, what would YOU have said?"
"I would have told him that he had written 'its' by mistake when he meant to write 'it's'. Why would I assume that it was not just a mistake? And, even if I knew it was not, why should I try to make him look like a fool?"
"You always put me on the wrong foot. But, tell me, what was wrong with my telling Ashish that it was surprising that he had got a job in finance, when he managed to muck up every problem in maths all through school? You know it is true and you have said it yourself." I said triumphantly.
"Not in front of his new boss and colleagues - or did you forget that you uttered that pearl of wisdom when we bumped into him at the restaurant where they were dining together?"
"So, of course, Ashish must be very joyous about the fact that this home truth about him was shared with his new boss."
"When you say it, it is OK! When I say it, it is rude, huh?"
"You idiot! As long as you never learn what, how and where to say things, you will always be considered rude and not merely honest."
"I came to you for support. Why are you being so rude to me?"
"Rude? Not at all. I am only being honest."