Self Expression Magazine

Hope and Courage

Posted on the 28 November 2013 by Bytesandbanter @bytesandbanter

When absolutely nothing seems to go your way..... When an unknown, unexplainable force keeps you from moving ahead..... When failures are all you are going through..... When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul..... When you start questioning your abilities..... When unintended accidents have taken their toll..... When you throw a dice but never get a six..... When the All Mighty, with you, starts playing tricks..... It is then that you've got to stay undeterred and undiminished..... Its then that you've got to say,"Tides will turn"..... And hope for good..... After all, succeeding an odd number is always an even integer. Your fate will get even with time..... If it doesn't, then its not THE END.

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