
Posted on the 01 September 2013 by Yamini
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are completely personal and are not backed by data.
Fifty years since the king's speech, the talk is about how his dream was fulfilled/ was not fulfilled by Mr. Obama. Martin Luther King sure wanted equality for everyone irrespective of their race, fifty years down the lane the United States of America, for sure has a black president who has been voted into power twice but is it actually the society of dreams, one can only wonder. Election of Obama, was elevated to much more than what it was worth, the reference to race was inevitable. More than the party he belonged to or the ideologies he represented the question was whether a black man would be voted to the oval office. It was a spectacle not just for the united states of america but for the world, for many it was sign of celebration, a sign that probably now things would change. Not just the citizens of america but several countries around the world were sold on his audacity of hope. He was conferred a Nobel peace prize in anticipation of the work he would. This definitely seemed like an audacity of the Nobel committee.
It definitely didn't take too much time for the world to realize, peace would be established only through war. After the twin towers fell to the ground, the super power took its revenge on an entire nation, and demonized any one who was brown skinned or sported facial hair. Racism reached newer heights. All this from a state headed by a black man. We sure have very short memories. The war took millions of civilian lives. It was just a collateral damage. Yes, peace was established, it always follows war when nothing is left. Now another time in the history a similar story is set to repeat, pretending to take the burden of rescuing the world on its shoulders, it is war on Syria this time. I don't know if there were chemical weapons used, but the war would definitely not reduce the death toll. It seems like a bad logic to declare a war to stop war (internal). We seem to function on the notion that peace can be established only after destruction, peace is possible only at the graveyard.
For sure he deserves the peace prize, not every body gets a chance to establish peace twice in his tenure. I wonder if this was the dream that the united states of america wanted to wake up to, fifty years back. I don't know about america but it is more like a nightmare for the world.