Horse Guards Avenue SW1...

Posted on the 15 August 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Spot the bollard(s)...

Welcome to Horse Guards Avenue and the junction of Whitehall SW1 where we happen to see the back of the statue of the 'Spencer Compton 8th Duke of Devonshire' standing upon a huge plinth which ensures we all have to look up at the Duke rather than him being on a much lower plinth where we could stand next to and maybe take a better picture.
Back to the bollards if we look at the pictures (above/below) you'll see in front of the left hand side of the plinth a small tubular black covered/painted bollard  containing the 'keep left' sign. However on the right hand side of the plinth and island it sits so gracefully upon you'll notice two stone bollards that protect the plinth from traffic turning from Whitehall into Horse Guards Avenue.
If we take a closer look at the picture (below) we see a little more clearly that the bollards have square bases rise vertically and have what looks like a couple of groves carved into them near the shallow pyramid top.
Whitehall SW1 is the home to our nations government and many bollards have been planted in recent years to protect buildings from 'attack'. I must say that the work has been carried out so that is does not detract from the beautiful buildings that surround whilst walking/cycling or even driving in the area.
Please do take a look at the crest/carving on the back of the above plinth the detail is simply beautiful.

Keep Left and Stone...

Bollards of London...