Hot Water Powering with Gas

Posted on the 15 November 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Tuesday we had our big electric hot water tank replaced with a new gas boost hot water system. We knew the old tank was failing and also needed to move away from electricity as it was costing us a fortune each quarter. We are hoping that the change to gas hot water will lower our bills and of course we will save money.

Look how small the new gas water system is! Amazing and such a space saver.

Large old water tank – Was powered by electricity – Expensive and old. Needed to be replaced.

The day we had the new hot water system installed we had a massive storm. Rain, thunder and lightening all happened and was not great weather for installing a water system. The man who did the work had to have a break as it was a bit scary dealing with power tools in this weather. Once the strom was over, work commenced and we then had hot water after that.

Love playing in the rain!

Dressed to play in the rain and water! Oh what fun!

The girls had fun playing in the rain and watching the new system get installed. Now that I have had a couple of days to try it out, The verdict is: It is brilliant and there is no difference between the big tank and the smaller gas system. I was worried that it might not be the same. I am pleased to report that it is all good and just as hot and wonderful as the old tank hot water system.

One thing that we are pleased about is that we are hopefully saving money to boot! Have you changed to gas hot water? Did it save you heaps of money? Or has it been the same?  As it has just been installed we will not find out until we receive our next bill. I never like getting bills but I am keen to get this one. It would be interesting to see how much, if anything we end up saving.

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