Self Expression Magazine

House-viewing: A Strange American Custom

Posted on the 01 May 2012 by Expatmum @tonihargis
This time I'm prompted by a post over at About Last Weekend. (A great blog if you're not familiar.)
She held a house-viewing (or behind-the-scenes-tour) over the weekend to raise money for charity. She and her family de-camped to a friends, and hordes of people paid big bucks to take tours through presumably very nice houses in her locale. All the money raised went to this local charity.
It's something I've been aware of in the 22 years since I've moved to the States but something that still somewhat bemuses me. Why would you want to pay money to saunter through other people's houses? (BTW, as someone who's always on the lookout for ways to raise money, I'm not knocking it.)
I suppose if you were on the looking for design inspiration, it's not a bad way to get them. I suspect however, that most people are just a bit nosey. After all, who doesn't look in windows when people have their lights on and the curtains open? But paying - isn't that an open declaration of your noseyness? Or does the fact that it's for a good cause cancel out the prying?
Obviously it's not something I could ever consider doing even if I had a house worth viewing. There would have to be disclaimers pinned in every room.
"The owner is not responsible for injuries sustained from :
- slipping on dog drool
- walking into cupboard doors that won't close properly
- tripping over curly edges of rugs
- falling down stairs that have no hand-rail
Enter at your own risk".
Your home is supposed to look something like this to be view-worthy:
House-viewing: A Strange American Custom
I think they'd all be asking for their money back with mine.

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