I'm tired.
More like super exhausted,
and while I write this I am drooling about sleep.
I've been busy looking after everyone, doing everything and taking everyone everywhere.
Oh, and not to mention getting a cold, then the flu and now sick again.
I just want to sit and be looked after for a change; get dinner made by someone else, allow me to sleep in, maybe have others do the housework for a change.
I have been wondering for a while now, when is it my time to be looked after? Why am I the one that does everything?
I am more than a wife and a mother, I have dreams and ideas too, plus I haven't changed who I am due to having kids. Actually, there have been THREE BIG CHANGES: I have no money, no time and I'm always tired.
I know that being a mum doesn't make you less of a person but lately, it feels like you get overlooked on every level. When you are sick you still have to solider on, when you've hurt yourself you have to still do everything too.
Maybe it will be another 20 years before I can finally have a break? I do have young children and one is not even in school yet.
Being always on is tiring not only physically but mentally draining.
Maybe the thoughts about the lack of identity or being at other's beck and call have surfaced more due to the school holidays...where there has been not a lot of moments to be left alone to hear myself think.
It could be that being a Stay at Home mum to three kids is now my role, however, I would like to be a mogul to my ideas.
Do you find that you're overlooked due to being a mum? Do you find that things are expected of you and you are never asked? If so, I know how you feel.
I think this is why I've been researching drool-worthy holidays. A holiday that will mean mummy will get some much-needed downtime, pampering and an experience that will be fantastic for the whole family (One that means that I don't have to make beds, cook or clean).
Let me know if you are over giving all to everyone and not getting much back? Having moody pre-teens, of course, doesn't help.
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