How Do You Ring in the Birth Year?

Posted on the 09 July 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
This is the last Monday I will be 21. That’s right it’s my BIRTHDAY week! I am one of those people who likes to celebrate all week long, I’d take a whole month if Jared and my family would put up with me that long, but I don’t think they will. Jared was already embarrassed of me, when we went out to dinner on Friday, and our waiter asked if there was any reason we were out celebrating, and I nearly jumped out of my seat with excitement to say that I was there for a pre-birthday celebration, and continued to talk about my birthday being only a week away. I guess most people don’t claim that is a reason to celebrate unless it’s really their birthday. Our waiter was really chill though, he brought us our FREE ice cream to celebrate and even doodled on my to-go box.That is my roommate, pretending to hit me. Rude!

I’ve also been celebrating by partaking in cupcakes and capri-suns every day for breakfast (sometimes lunch and dinner)
Then last night, Jared decided to participate since Sunday is the actual start of my birthday week, and he brought me home a TOAD! Isn’t he the cutest? Of course, Jared just found him outside and brought him inside. We did have a little good bye party for Moulder, and release him to be wild again. I bet it was the most exciting 23 minutes of Moulder’s life.
I think that everything in life should be celebrated to the fullest extent. Jared and I have adopted the fully optimistic attitude, where we choose to look at only good things in our life. We all have a million problems, but who cares? Let’s just focus on the good things. Of course, I am leading into that your birthday is a really fun and good way to celebrate your life! They are the only day that is dedicated to you and all your accomplishments. That’s why I try and celebrate my heart out.
I am having a bit of a crisis this year, becauseI feel like I have no idea what I want to do to celebrate. In years past, I knew exactly where I wanted to go and who I wanted to be there (like the zoo and lagoon)! This year I have no idea, but I know I want to do something! Is there a point when it’s too much? Like people are sick of seeing you so stoked that it’s your birthday 3 times in one week… Last night I was talking to Jared about the big plans I have for this week, and he was already rolling his eyes in my direction.
My tenetive plans are:Thursday: (my actual bday) do a dinner and a small activity such as mini-golf. We’re still grown-ups and have to work full time!Friday: Have a romantic Miki and Jared cuddle session, and go see a movie or something equally awesome.Saturday: Take a small group 6-7 people boating for a few hours, come home around 3pm. Nap and get ready then have a BBQ/ all night rager.Sunday: Family party where there will be a piñata.
This is where I need your help.What have you done for your birthdays that was really fun?If you live in Utah, any hidden gems that I am not aware of?Would you rather have the choice between a small dinner or a big social gathering? (Like dinner Thursday and then have a party Saturday)Also do you have any idea on how to have a virtual combine birthday party?? Punky.. I am looking at you.
HELP!I love birthdays.