Diaries Magazine
This is a story I have wanted to share for so long. Despite being very tempted on several occasions, I have kept quiet on social media as I wanted to keep his name a surprise. Henry has been Henry since I was 20+1 weeks when we found out we were having a little boy and how he got his name, I feel, is so very special. At our 20 week scan Darcie came along too, just as she did with all our other scans. We wanted her to experience everything about the pregnancy in order to help her understand the huge change that would be happening in her life and to help her feel involved. As with every scan (I had a total of seven this pregnancy!) Darcie took a real interest and asked the sonographer lots of questions. When it was time to find out the sex, she revealed that we were (very clearly!!) expecting a boy. Despite Darcie initially telling the sonographer that he was a girl and had got it wrong, she came round to the idea of having a baby brother in a matter of seconds. On the car journey home we were all full of excitement, we started to wonder what he may look like and then we moved onto what we might call him. We asked Darcie what she thinks we should call her baby brother and she in a very "matter of fact" way replied, "My baby brother is called Henry". Me and Jamie looked at each other and agreed that it could be a possibility. However, over the coming days it was clear that Darcie had made up her mind. Everytime baby talk came up in conversation Darcie never just said "my baby brother" it was always "my baby brother Henry". The name was growing on both me and Jamie and so Henry just kind of stuck. I love that it was Darcie that chose his name, I think it's such a special thing for her to have done. Given that her name choices for her toys are somewhat interesting (she has a doll called Baback..!) Henry is such a lovely name and Henry Burgess has such a nice ring to it! I would love to hear how or why your children have the name they have, so feel free to comment below. A name is such a special and personal thing and I love it when there is a little back story to a name. Mummy B xoxox