Hello everyone! I am back to blogging. I was in a hiatus for a week or almost 2 weeks. I thought it was like months.hahaha I’ve already missed blogging stuffs already. I have a long list of backlogs. Yes! As always, I have a lot of it. I was supposed to blog during the
Christmas and New Year vacation unfortunately, I was a little not feeling well. I have been sneezing, coughing and my nose keeps on running away from me. Jk I mean runny nose. Then, on the New Year’s Eve or I think the day before it, I don’t have any appetite. I felt throwing up all the food I was eating or pooping it. Hihi SShhh.. I have diarrhea, I think. I don’t have any I idea where it came from. Someone told me, I might have hard time digesting the food in my stomach. I was so sad, you want to know why? Because our Media Noche will always have the best food in town, due to the not-so-good-feeling I hesitate to eat too much. (tikim tikim lang hihi) I am thankful that I felt good while waiting for 2013 to come. The next day, I have the worse feeling again. Boo-hu-hu! I was on a sick leave for my first day of work. I kept on praying, drinking getoride, eating less and I feel good now! Wooot! Thank you Lord.
Enough of my sickness during the holidays, it is time for the things I did during the vacay! Too much photos! Ready? Set-Go!

My Christmas vacation started with my grandfather's 79th birthday! Wee..
Thank you Lord for his good health and i wish him more more birthday to
come. We love you so much!

The Christmas Eve. Our miniature Christmas tree with abundant gifts for
my love ones. My grandma texted me the day before we arrived, she told
me she haven't bought a larger tree because she was sick for a few days.
Then, when we arrived in Cavite, I got sick too. huhu I told her it's
okey, then I set up our mini Christmas tree.

Little Sarah, my cousin slash God-child. hehe Lovin' the background.
Bokeh Effect with my 50mm macro lens from my loving hunny. hihi Thank

Me. Excuse my hair, hahaha This was taken after attending the Midnight mass.

Christmas day. Exchange gifts! I got an Aldo watch from my mom and Kamiseta bangles from my sister. Love it all! Plus the prayer book my grandparents gave me. (not included i the photo.)

Ansaveh ni Georgina Wilson sa calendar na 'to?? hahahaha My gift for my
grandparents, I made them a personalized calendar from Fotosnap. And
yes! I am that gurl. May is my birthday month. Kaya ako ang bida.

The stuff I got from my secret santa in our office. The final gift was a
book, "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. I finished
reading it during the New Year's Eve. I will post a book review for it soon.
Stay tuned.

Happy 2013. Fireworks at our backyard.

Baby you're a Fiiirework!!! I am too scared to be near those things. So I keep taking photos na lang. hihi

Family photo. Formal.

Family photo. Wacky! hahaha I have the coolest family ever! Hindi
nagpapatalo si grandma, nakapeace sign din. hehe Actually we have 5
wacky shots, we're too cam whores to post it all. hehe

The main event of 2013. The first day of the year. Celebrate it with a
feast. Nom nom nom. My mom ordered lechon. I am still sick but who
cares. The reason of the revolution in my stomach for the next day. haha

My uncle ready to chopped it all of! I will say sorry for all the vegans out there. Just enjoying the season of holidays. hihi
I spent my vacation with my family as always. I am thankful for everything. God is really good. He will never let us down.
My vacation was for relaxation and quality time with my love ones. I am glad I have a chance to do it amidst of the busy life in the corporate world. I am hoping 2013 will help me follow my dreams and achieve my goals in life.
To be continued... My year end post will be next... :)
Posted in: Christmas,family,friends,new year,Personal,photography