I was reading an article in today's Guardian (this is officially a VLW - very lazy weekend, so you'll have to find the link yourselves today) which was talking about how women snack in secret - fair enough I thought, who wants to share the chocolate with the kids? It's bad for them.
So far, so Guardian.
However I was taken aback by the fact that women lie about their weight.
To whom?
I have never dreamed of asking a friend, or of telling them how much I weigh, who cares?
Until now I've always asked them what they are reading, or told them about my latest classic teaching moment, e.g. -
We've obviously been having the wrong sort of conversation.
Apart from the anesthetist I have never thought to tell anyone my weight.
Oh well, now I know. I'll just sneak behind the sofa to finish this kitkat then I'll be back with the details.
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