Diaries Magazine

How Much Matters?

Posted on the 12 June 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
This morning we had a meeting about the purpose of our jobs and why we are all here. To be truthful, I don't know how many of my colleagues read my blog. I would love to say every single one of them, but I am not that cool, and I am sure not many of them have that much time on their hands. The reason why I love blogging so much is because I can show the best parts of me, the worst, the selfish, the compassionate, and the human. We are all humans and we all have ghastly desires, thoughts, and actions. I am not one to say "Yes, I am perfect. Yes, its true I am God's gift to this green earth". I am not. I know that, and you know that. I also try to not let imperfection be an excuse to be lazy. If we are all honest on our blogs, which I assume you are, then there is some sort of purpose or goal you have. I know for me, the blog is a way to connect with people and look at people and learn about life. 
The purpose of my job is yet to be defined. I know I am to live as Christ lived, and live as Christ lives in me today. I am not always sure how that looks, but I have a great reference. Bible? Yes. 
It was an eye opening meeting. It was one that made me more conscious of what I say, to who I say it, and who I don't see that may be listening. We all have a purpose and we all have a desire to be greater and better. I cannot do this alone. 
How is your journey?
How Much Matters?How Much Matters?How Much Matters?How Much Matters?How Much Matters?

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