How to Be a Kindness Ninja #WorldKindnessDay #KindnessNinja

Posted on the 13 November 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Today is World Kindness Day

My spiritual idol, The Dalai Lama, says:

"When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace".

Very wise words.

And my Grandmother, who always encouraged the attitude of kindness without expecting something in return, would wholeheartedly agree. The best way to make kindness a habit is by pledging to be a Kindness Ninja.

Who is a Kindness Ninja?

You cannot see the Ninja. But you can see or feel the kindness the ninja brings to the world.

You will not see a kindness ninja showing off, because her goal is to make others happy without expecting anything in return.

Kindness ninjas believe in the power of kindness to spread happiness. This unifies the world, cultivating positive leadership, and human connection.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see ~ Mark Twain

So, how to be a kindness ninja?

As a practising Kindness Ninja, here are my suggestions. I am sure you can add a few hundred more!

  1. Smile at someone at the supermarket
  2. Leave an encouraging message on the windshield of a random car
  3. Bring coloring books and crayons to children hospital
  4. Spend time with people at your local home for the elderly
  5. Compliment the first person you see today
  6. Share your cab with someone for free
  7. Teach someone somethingcoc
  8. Donate your skills & talents to people who need it
  9. Write a nice note on the back of the bill
  10. Help someone with their heavy bags
  11. Comfort someone in distress, if only by holding hands or with an hug
  12. Visit a local hospice and spend some time, listening, chatting
  13. Tell a street performer how amazing he or she is
  14. Post inspiring post-its for strangers to find around the city
  15. Write an inspiring message with chalk on a sidewalk
  16. Make a helpful introduction
  17. Smile and wave from your bus window to someone riding to the opposite direction
  18. Stand at a public place and hand out short encouraging notes.
  19. Give up your seat to someone in the public transport
  20. Leave an inspirational note in a library book
  21. Hold up a sign saying 'You are perfect' on the side of the road
  22. Donate books you have read to a library
  23. Leave flowers on someone's doorstep
  24. Put a kind note into a random mailbox
  25. Let someone go in front of you at the checkout line
  26. Give high-fives to people going opposite direction on escalator
  27. Make a video to cheer someone up
  28. Offer to take a picture for tourists
  29. Pick up trash around the park, beach or your block
  30. Offer your friend / neighbor to pet walk
  31. Invite your neighbor over for a meal
  32. Read a book to someone
  33. Make kindness stones and leave them at a park
  34. Help an elderly person or someone in need to cross the street
  35. Write a hand written note of appreciation to someone you care about
  36. Ask an elderly person to tell their life story
  37. Offer a couple of hours of free babysitting to parents
  38. Bring a treat to a retirement house
  39. Make someone laugh
  40. Eat lunch with someone new
  41. Apologize to someone you have wronged
  42. Compliment someone to their boss
  43. Forgive someone and never bring the issue up again
  44. Sign up to volunteer at a non-profit
  45. Send a message to someone just to wish good morning or good night
  46. Donate your unused clothes
  47. Send a post card to a long lost friend
  48. Give away balloons to kids you meet on the street
  49. Say 'thank you' to a bus driver
  50. Do a favor to your busiest friend
  51. Call a homeless shelter, ask what they need and bring it
  52. Write to partner/best friend a list of what you love about them
  53. Plant a flower in a public area
  54. Thank your father / uncle for something he has tought you
  55. Send a greetings cards to lonely people at the retirement / nursing home / sick children's hospital
  56. Call your parents or family and say you love them
  57. Send a compliment to a person you don't really get along with
  58. Tell your mother / aunt what you appreciate her for
  59. Leave a positive review about your favorite place
  60. Give a small gift to someone, just because
  61. Put up a "Take a smile!" tear-off poster
  62. Allow someone to help you
  63. Donate pet food to a local animal shelter
  64. Invite someone who is alone over for dinner
  65. Write a reference for someone even if they are not looking for a job now
  66. Call an elder relative and let them know you wanted to hear their voice
  67. Buy someone a coffee
  68. Thank a policeman or fireman for the work they do to keep all of us safe
  69. Give someone a gratitude journal to collect their happy moments in
  70. Pause, to help someone with something, even if you're in a rush
  71. Gift life. Pledge your organs/eyes
  72. Send a message to someone saying you're thinking about them
  73. Tell someone you are proud of them
  74. Give a flower to a stranger
  75. Leave a treat at a neighbor's doorstep anonymously
  76. Call a person you haven't spoken to for a while
  77. Write a thank you letter to someone who made a difference in your life
  78. Stop to have a conversation with a homeless person
  79. Make a thank you sign for trash collectors and leave it on your trash bins
  80. Send a letter / postcard to someone who needs support now
  81. Donate a toy or table game to an orphanage
  82. Set out seeds for the birds
  83. Help a friend to pursue their passion / hobby / what they are good at
  84. Tape signs to bathroom mirrors that say - "You are beautiful!"
  85. Help a mother with her baby stroller
  86. Bring coffee to someone studying in the library
  87. Leave a bouquet at the hospital - the nurses know who needs it the most
  88. Write someone a silly yet encouraging poem
  89. Thank the people close to you for simply being who they are
  90. Send a message to a friend sharing your favorite memory of them
  91. Email or visit an old teacher or mentor, and thank them for all they did for you
  92. Donate blood
  93. Help someone to make their wish come true
  94. Bring flowers to the maternity hospital to congratulate new parents
  95. Do an act of kindness to yourself
  96. Listen to the stranger's story about their happiest moment in life
  97. Kiss your Mom's hand, or the hand of someone you love
  98. Spread the word about the cause you believe in
  99. Create your own act of kindness and perform it
  100. Challenge your friends to take this kindness challenge

Cool, eh?

My religion is very simple - my religion is kindness ~ The Dalai Lama

Are you ready to be a Kindness Ninja?

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury