hello all...today I came up with a article on straightening of hair without using straightener . Its a trend to have a straight hair . But many of them are not blessed with straight hair. Almost around 80% people around us has wavy hair. Here are the methods which I followed to make my wavy hair as straight.First of all , soft and smooth hair are easy to tame. Hence wash your hair with mild shampoo and condition it . Once conditioning is properly done hair will become too soft and manageable. This is the final look of my hair.

Method 1: Oil your hair heavily in the night and wash it then condition it. Towel dry your hair. Now comb your damp hair to make it straight. This method is useful for girls with slightly wavy hair and the hair is more on straight side. You can even use a blow drier which makes it straight. Don't worry blow drying won't cause harsh effects on your hair if it is used in cool air mode.
Method 2: Make a paste of hibiscus leaves and white hibiscus flower . Apply it on the thoroughly combed hair , while applying keep your hair straight by combing it. Leave this for around an hour .wash off the pack . You can skip shampoo and conditioner as this pack makes your hair squeaky clean and super soft. This works for curly and wavy hair too. To have permanent results , do this for a 3 months like once a week.you can even use Banjara's hibiscus powder if you don;t have access to plant.
Method 3: if you have wavy hair then do try this method. This gives result after temporarily as well as permanently. To have permanent results do keep follow this method for around 2 months . It depends on the curliness of your hair.
Coming to the procedurestep 1: take some curd in a bowl ,mix it with water so that it become runny in consistency.

Step 2: add adequate amount of gram flour to it.

Step 3 :mix it without lumps.

Step 4:apply it to small portions of the hair including scalp and please don't tie it up . Let the pack make the hair sit straight. After an hour or so wash it off. It is difficult to remove it and don't forget to condition it. This pack makes your hair dry . You can even oil your hair before or after using the pack . It actually depends on you.
you can check out my pic and make out the difference .

. . hope you guys find it useful ..do leave a comment if you have any doubts or if you just want to appreciate my work.