How to Get Your Significant Other in the Mood…

Posted on the 02 February 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

If you don’t know this already, I love to use Facebook as a tool for sarcasm, absurd life observations, and also as a forum to talk to all of you – my fun and fearless readers.

So on Friday, I put a question out on Facebook. The question was:

If your significant other could do just ONE thing to get you in the mood what would it be?

The reason I posed this question is that my husband and I recently went on a date night. It was snowy and wet outside. He didn’t get me in the mood by taking me to a fancy dinner (though, that was lovely). He got me in the mood when he did the little things like warn me that there’s a puddle on my side of the car and then came around to help me. The little things. That is what I notice.

So I posed the question to you all.

And made a pie chart. Because, hell, how often in life do you have an opportunity to make a pie chart? Carpe Pie Chart.

And I thought I would share a few of my favorite quotes…

“He passed out on the couch last night while I was still (STILL AFTER ALL DAY) doing stuff around the house. I woke him up so we could go to bed since he had to work. I start to pass out and he puts his hands down my pajama pants and and was all “it’s not that late, you know….” hey, douchcanoe, I was just starting to have a dream with Idris Elba and David Tennant; go ask your hand, dammit!”

“Honey, I went and had that vasectomy you’ve been wanting me to get.”

“I’ve brought George Clooney home to entertain you tonight.”

“Here, have some wine.”

And my personal favorite:

“Those sweatpants are so sexy on you. You should wear them every day.”

So what do you think? Which part of the pie chart do you fit into?