How to Keep Kids Busy During the School Holidays

Posted on the 26 July 2021 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

When the schools close for the summer, parents are reminded of the struggle they face every year in finding ways to keep their kids busy and occupied for six weeks, while still accomplishing everything on their to-do list. In order to master the art of summer survival with your kids, variety is key. Here are a few suggestions for activities and excursions you and your kids can enjoy over the summer break to suit kids of all ages.

Learn a language


Learning a language is great for the brain and it also introduces your kids to new cultures and ways of life that they might not have experienced before. The beauty of learning a language is that it’s an ongoing hobby that kids can dip in and out of, all from the comfort of their own home. There are plenty of apps and tools to use for this too, such as Duolingo and Babble, or YouTube videos to learn new words and phrases.

Some of the easiest languages for kids to get started with include Spanish, French and German. But it can also be beneficial for them to dive into the culture of a destination to inspire them first, so they can choose a language based on a part of the world they’re already interested in.

Sign up to holiday clubs


Local clubs are a great way to get the summer camp feel without your children being away for long periods of time. Holiday clubs provide a safe and fun environment for little ones to make friends and play, as well as get involved in a wide range of activities they might not have tried before.

From cooking and painting to sports and nature hikes, holiday clubs provide a rich schedule of activities close to home that your kids can take part in with other children their age – they’re ideal for enabling kids to maintain interaction over the summer break, as well as giving parents chance to tackle their tasks and workload safe in the knowledge that their kids are being looked after. 

Build a garden patch


If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, patio or a balcony, dedicate a small area of the space to your kids for them to plant whatever they like there. From herbs and veggies to flowers, there are countless plants that grow quickly and are easy to maintain that kids will have a great time tending to. It’s a project that will teach them useful skills and it’s also an ongoing activity that they can do over the whole summer, that’s relatively cheap for parents too.

All they need is a small spade or shovel, a watering can and some seeds, and they can get started. Kids love the satisfaction of having produced something on their own and when their produce has finished growing, they can make something from it in the kitchen, which provides an additional activity for them. Gardening is a wonderful hobby that will get your kids off the couch and outdoors, which is good for their mental and physical wellbeing.

Organise a camping trip


If you want to take a family trip together, camping is a great option. It gives you all chance to take a break from computer screens and watching TV on the couch, getting you out of the house to explore the great outdoors. Kids will love exploring nature, going on hikes and setting up the tents, as well as the fun of playing games outside.

But if you can’t take time off from work to go camping, your kids can still enjoy the camping experience by setting up a tent in the garden. You can play board games, have a BBQ and roast marshmallows, without setting foot outside of your home. Live in the city and don’t have a garden? Get creative by bringing the tent indoors or make a blanket fort.

Final thoughts


Finding activities that are a mix of fun and educational is the key to keeping kids busy over the summer holidays and staving off the dreaded boredom that can be a nightmare for kids and adults alike.

If you can find ongoing hobbies and activities, such as gardening and learning new skills, this will give your kids something to do each day and they’ll love building their skillset and learning new things. But activities out of the house, such as camping or holiday clubs, are also ideal for giving your little ones a change of scenery and the opportunity to meet new people. 

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