How To Look And Feel Great On The Beach

Posted on the 01 May 2013 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

If you’re going on holiday this year, you might be looking forward to the sun, sea, sand (and perhaps a siesta or two), but there might also be something else on your mind – the dreaded beach body reveal. Most of us would rather hide our lumps and bumps in a kaftan than let it all hang out in a bikini, so how can we learn to love our cellulite, stretch marks, asymmetric breasts and curves?

Get to know and love your body

Winter has been and gone, so strip off your thermals and take a good peek at yourself – naked! That’s right, grab a full-length mirror and see what you look like bare, in the buff, nude, commando (however you want to call it). Your eyes will automatically seek out the negative parts (be it your boobs, bum, hips or thighs), but avoid an “I need a breast augmentation to improve my chest” moment by focusing on the positives. This may take a little getting used to, but it’s all part of changing the way you view yourself.

Bare all as often as possible

Feeling good on the beach is all about being comfortable in your own skin and accepting the way you look. This can be hard if you’re covered up all the time, so repeat the mirror challenge as much as possible. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and chin up (as a good posture will help you look taller and slimmer) and admire your wonderful physique from every angle. If you don’t fancy being naked then try donning some pretty underwear and flash your flesh in style.

Buy some decent swimwear

Once you’ve got to know your body and worked out what shape you are, it’s time to buy some decent swimwear. A well-fitting costume, tankini or bikini is a must, so find the right beach attire for your frame. If you’re a pear and carry weight around your hips and thighs, steer clear of ruching, draping and pleating as this can make you look bigger and use bright, bold patterns to draw attention to your upper half. If you’ve got a rounded tum, look for Lycra to smoothen out any lines or ridges and draw the eye away from your bad bits with large accessories.

Hit the gym

The majority of this article has been about embracing what you’ve already got! It’s essential to love your body no matter what shape or size you are, but if you want to improve your weight or health then you can always hit the gym. There’s still a few months before summer finally arrives, giving you plenty of time to work out on the treadmill or burn up a sweat on the cross-trainer. Combine exercise with a healthy diet and you should look and feel better in no time.

Improving your body confidence is not all about opting for liposuction or scheduling a face lift. It’s about loving what Mother Nature gave you and accepting that everyone is different, so why not give these few tips a go?