Diaries Magazine

How to Love Nyc in Four Days

Posted on the 02 July 2012 by Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
Good morning, beautifuls. I hope you're feeling as such despite the sweat-inducing heat wave that may or may not be imposing on your area. (If it's not, I'm jealous). I had the most wonderful time at Megan's brunch yesterday. A busy brunching schedule really is one of my favorite parts of living in New York ;) and it's one of the many things I love sharing with visitors. For the rest of 'em, here's the email as promised. One New Yorker's "must see" and "ought to do" suggestions:
how to love nyc in four days Hi A, 
I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get back in touch with you! A few minutes ago, I sent you an online guide with my favorite places. Reference that as it literally contains all of the places I really think you guys will love when you're here. Obviously it's all suggestions though :) so feel free to cross things off or add on as you please.  For the bike stuff, I think renting one is a great idea. Here's a good company that's right by Central Park. You may want to consider packing a picnic, especially if the weather's nice, to lounge with all the local New Yorkers. There are also bike tours available which may be fun to see some of the actual city. This is a great article that explains a few. 
Within The Purple Passport guide, I included the NBC Studios Tour which you and J might really enjoy. Honestly, I don't know that much about getting on the sets while a show is filming, but I imagine you'd have to book far in advance although it probably depends on the show. 
You should definitely try to see a Broadway play. Reserve your tickets as soon as possible with Broadway.com. The tough thing about suggesting something is that there are hardly any bad ones :) it just depends whether you want to see something classic or new, a musical or a play, etc. Personally, I'd like to see Porkie & Bess next... but that's mostly because I enjoy the songs. Scour through the site above and just choose what sounds good to you. Go somewhat early to your Broadway show so you'll be able to explore Times Square (most theaters are in that area). For a night show, I'd suggest dinner elsewhere though--Times Square tends to be overpriced [and not very good]. But, you might want to experience that anyway. 
For casual walking, window shopping, and enjoying everyday beautiful sights, just explore the neighborhoods and parks I suggested in The Purple Passport guide. What's interesting about New York is that each area is very unique (even just architecture-wise) so make sure you schedule time to wander. Try to go to one sample sale, too. It's really a fun experience. Sift through ones on DailyCandy and choose a designer/fashion line you like. 
Use NYCGO to find events that'll be taking place while you're here. There are going to be a lot (there always are) so don't get overwhelmed. Speaking of such, I'd only plan on doing two or three activities a day to not feel rushed. I guess whatever is most appealing of the options.
Finally, two things: (1) I'm not going to be in New York when you are! I'm traveling to Colombia for a few weeks.  I'm so bummed I can't meet up with you two, and sorry I told you that I could. Hopefully these links and The Purple Passport will ensure you have a great time and an authentic experience. (2) If, after all your planning and exploring of what to do and see, you still have a free afternoon, or would just like to see Brooklyn or Queens (they're two great boroughs, even if Manhattan is the best, ha), you can take a ferry for very cheap and see some pretty cool views. Here's how. 
Let me know if you have any questions whatsoever, don't forget your camera, and have a blast,  D

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