So what happened. You can say Hollywood happened or drugs/alcohol. But what really happened was a lack of parenting. And that seriously ticks me off.
Don’t get me wrong, I have failures every day as a parent. Just yesterday my son shoved 10 Pez candies in his mouth at the same time and we had to do the Heimlich on him to get them all out. So I understand not knowing all the right things to do for every moment of parenthood. However, how did things get so bad in that girl’s life? How can I make sure that my own daughter doesn’t go from innocent to half-naked on all night benders with bad hair dye jobs?
I wish I had the answers. But I don’t. I’m just going to love the life out of that little girl and boy of mine. The hubby and I are going to try to teach them about the bad crap that can happen and the good things to focus on, but in the end it comes down to her believing it herself. If if she has moments where she doesn’t and she falls, I’m going to try to build her up again.
That’s the thing about parenthood. It’s not about us anymore. We are the architects and engineers of their building. We have to show them to keep it all working…even when we don’t have a clue ourselves.