Is your other half any good at getting you presents? If yours always chooses the perfect thing without you having to drop hints so big you're likely to trip over them, then this post isn't for you.
I was asked by gift site Ask Her Friends if I'd write something about them.
Ask Her Friends is a site that aims to solve the problem of Christmas pressies - both choosing the perfect one with confidence and being sure that this year you'll get a good one.
As well as having a clever - and quite accurate - gift selector based on a few questions, Ask Her Friends allows you to, er, ask her friends what they think.
What happens is a gift giver (there's a bit of an assumption this is just blokes giving pressies to their gals, but we all know that's not just what happens) makes an advice list that is then sent to her friends to see what they say. He can then buy with confidence.
Or at least that's the theory.
AskHerFriends is the creation of Ben Blomerley, who claims to have sent a girlfriend (now ex) a worm farm.
He said: "I started asking my girlfriend's mum and friends for their advice and they were really helpful.
"Then speaking to my mates, I came to realise that I wasn't the only one getting it wrong in the gifting department."
The site offers lots and lots of gorgeous - and very welcome - pressies. The gift suggestions would allow lists to be compiled - either by giver or (tired of dropping hints) the recipient to ensure a happy Christmas morning.
If anyone is interested (I'm looking at you Panther of News) these were just some of the things that popped up when I entered my own choices.
Ask Her Friends are paying me to write this post, but I'm genuinely impressed by the site and the gift suggestions, therein. I have a Secret Santa present to choose and I plan to use the gift map.