How To Not Be Alone

Posted on the 18 June 2013 by Asoloaffair @a_solo_affair

Every once in a while, I come across an article that is so well written that it gives me chills. I will admit that the New York Times article, How to Not Be Alone got my attention with the whole alone thing (Ha Ha, I’m such a nerd).

Author, Jonathan Safran Foer is a terrifically gifted writer whose work is warm and evokes real emotion — ya know, the stuff that warms my little blogging heart.

I just love this excerpt:

“We live in a world made up more of story than stuff. We are creatures of memory more than reminders, of love more than likes. Being attentive to the needs of others might not be the point of life, but it is the work of life.”

Do you want/need more? Well get to it then and enjoy the full article here!