How to Plan a Workout

Posted on the 04 October 2018 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I haven't always been into fitness. I was the girl who was just naturally skinny. It was until recently that I wanted to serious about my goals. I wanted to be skinny but I wanted to be skinny fit. When I graduated high school I think I weight 97 pounds. I went to college and it wasn't until the senior year that I started gaining weight and I wouldn't come off so quickly. (I know, pity me.) Then I met my husband we went to the gym when we first started dating and continued until around our second anniversary. Life and work got in the way. It wasn't a priority for us. We would go out to eat more than we would want to work out.

I will be the first to admit I am not the best with nutrition. It is something that I am working on every day. I am constantly learned about nutrition. One of my goals is to research all the different "diet fads" out there and break them down, My hope to break it down so everyone can really understand what they are getting into if they decide to go keto, carb cycle, etc.
So I totally get falling in and out of gym routines. Making time for yourself is the best thing for you but probably the last thing that you think about. When I am doing a one on one with my clients, I always ask How many times a week can you realistically see yourself coming into the gym? I ask this because everyone will say I'm coming in every day. It's not reasonable. I don't want to set myself or anyone else up for failure.
If you have taken any sort of break from working out or just starting I would say start off 2 or 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. If you have Planet Fitness membership and it has been a while since you have been in a gym I recommend the 30 minutes circuit. It's a great balance of cardio and strength training.
If you don't have a PF membership I would still recommend 2 or 3 times week no more than an hour. I would focus on total body workout. I personally like starting with my cardio and ending in strength training. There are so many different reports out there one way or another. I always tell people to try both and see what works for you. The ONLY time I will do strength training before cardio is when I plan to lift HEAVY weights. Cardio I would recommend getting on cardio you like. I like treadmills or arc trainers so I do spend most of the time on those. I do try and switch it up for a time to time.
For beginners (people new to the gym or coming back from a break) I would suggest starting out with machines with low to medium weights. Do 2-4 sets for 12-15 repetitions.
The next step after you feel comfortable with the previous workouts would be adding free weights to a few of the exercises. I prefer adding weights to the arm exercises - bicep curl, tricep extensions, lateral/front raises.

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