Diaries Magazine

How to Spoil Yourself Between Trips

Posted on the 31 March 2022 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
Are you one of those people who are lucky to travel a lot because of the nature of their work? Or at least you feel blessed that you have the kind of work that allows you to travel as much as you do?
It is common for people to be content with the way their life is but to lack the motivation to keep working on it. This is called ‘burnout’ and it is the result of overworking yourself.
How to spoil yourself between trips
 Humans are not robots; they need rest, entertainment and care in order to keep their energy levels high and be productive in all aspects of their lives. This entails that even if you have the most exciting life or job, you still need to take time off from your busy schedule and devote it to yourself. So, how can you spoil yourself before your next trip? Here are some interesting ideas.

Beauty Treatment

It might sound vain, but taking care of your body and face contribute to higher levels of confidence. When you look at yourself in the mirror and you see a figure with healthy, young-looking and glowing skin, it is hard not to love and feel grateful for yourself as a whole. The body and face treatments on mvbeautyart.com and the advice of your dermatologist on how to protect your skin can be excellent tools to help you look and feel young and positive.

Shopping spree

Now, this might sound materialistic, but going out and buying what your heart desires can rejuvenate you and bring joy into your life again. It is not the act of accumulating possessions that is expected to cause such a drastic mood swing, but the fact that you spend time trying to listen to yourself, what you want, what you long for and that you don’t hesitate to act upon it. It doesn’t matter what the object you want is, it could be clothes, books or home appliances; what does matter is that you do and you buy whatever you want.

Do nothing

Are there days when you feel so tired that all you want to do is sleep? Are there days when you feel so busy that you wish you could just drop everything and leave? If you answered yes to both previous questions, it sounds like you’ve made work your whole life. If my diagnosis is correct, your task now is to do nothing. Of course, this is not possible; I mean do not do things that you would consider productive. Instead you can do entertaining things like sleeping or binging a whole TV series.


Everything we do in life, our job, our reaction to things, our friends, is influenced by our choices of what we believe we deserve. If you question your worth or if you believe that you do not deserve to be spoiled by you or by someone else, then you should definitely talk with a therapist in order to understand why you are so harsh with yourself. But even if you feel that you judge yourself realistically and objectively, discussing all your thoughts and feelings with a mental health expert can be beneficial so that you can get a better grasp of yourself and the people around you.
K Elizabeth xoxox
*Collaborative Post

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