How Well Do I Actually Know Them?

Posted on the 14 May 2013 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

Last Saturday, my few best buds Azzam and Rejam along with Hanif and Nabil went hiking at Broga.


I didn’t get to go with them because the idea of your daughter going hiking at 4 am in the morning with a bunch of guys was not appealing to the rents. Of course I listened to my parents lah. I didn’t whine or cry cause I know it’d be useless and make me look weak. Once when I was in primary school, I couldn’t go to a friend’s birthday party I cried. HAHA.

So recently I asked my Mom the Mommy, “Mommy, I forever cannot go hiking with my friends ah?” Mom the Mommy replied, “Can, but not you the only girl lah!”. Which lead to the statement – Kim has not much friends of the same gender. LOL.

To be honest, my gal friends and my guys friends, are both from different planets. Irony. Haha! My guy friends, mainly are from TIKL while my gal friends are mainly from tuition or SMKSM. I also have very little friends. That is why, I dearly cherish whatever friends I have right now.

The other day, I told Mom the Mommy that even Pn Khairiah Hasni (my ex class teacher) said that my bunch of guy friends can be trusted. That is when my Mom popped the question – How well do you actually know them besides the time you guys spend in school? Who are the people that they hang out with?

That got me thinking.

How Well Do I Actually Know Them?

Maybe my mom is right. I don’t know them as well as I think I do. I might know them on the outside but I probably don’t know them inside out. About my guy friends, we are of different gender, different race and different religion. Somehow we get along pretty well. But the question is how well do I actually know they and honestly my answer would be – I know them enough to call them my best buds.

Okay lah. If on a scale of 1 to 10, I probably rate myself 7/10.