by: Liz
Welcome to the 60’s… One stop after I joined the bus to work one Tuesday morning a young gentleman that had a Buddy Hollyesque vibe sat in the seat across from me. His style immediately caught my eye, looking more suited to go to a sock hop instead of work. Sporting HRG (horn rimmed glasses), brown suede shoes, and a Marty McFly red jacket this Catch Me If You Can Mad Man had me stepping back into another era.
He clearly could fit in on a Pan Am flight, reading his newspaper, and looking so square. HRG was Maxwell Caulfield in the first half of Grease 2 before becoming Michelle Pfeiffer’s Cool Rider. This hip to be cool dude had this old soul gal wondering if there is a purpose to his style. Who is this guy. Does he watch Rebel Without a Cause on Friday nights at the drive-in? Is he finding himself more at ease with 50 years ago than today? This Peggy Sue Got Married groovy lad captivated my ride. I start to wonder what if the bus transforms back to the early 60’s in a time warp. So many awesome and scary things could arise from this time travel.
Going back 50 years ago from today in Seattle would be pretty interesting as the 1962’s Worlds Fair was a look into our future. The orange Space Needle and first full scale Monorail captivated Seattle and the Nation. However, I would most likely not be on the bus headed to my job. I would probably be married with three kids while my husband rode the smoke filled bus with 40 other men with their fedora hats on, reading their papers learning about the silly invention called a fax machine.
Meanwhile, I would have been bounded up in some sort of girdle and a albeit gorgeous but inconvenient dress. Vacuuming the house and going to the market to get the pot roast to have ready as my hubby walked in the door chiming in ‘Honey, I’m home.’ Would I have been one of those forward thinking women that had a career and did not let social norms stop me, think Skeeter in The Help? Or would I played my role as the dutiful wife and young American woman? Often romanticising the other eras of time gone by, I feel pleased that there can still be the throw backs to the good times like Mr. HRG, but the advancement of today. Sent from my iPhone anyone?