I Am A Fatty

Posted on the 08 March 2013 by Missliabilities
...Or at least I eat like someone who should be overweight.
It was way worse a mere three years ago in college. My Friday night binges leave fond memories in my mind. I'd go to the college convenience store with my prepaid campus meal card and buy a small microwave pizza, pack of gummi bears, pack of sunflower seeds, a regular soda, and a milkshake. Oh those were the working metabolism days!
This happened like clockwork once a week. Then on Saturdays I'd drink about 7 beers at a party and have some french fries and chicken tenders.
Throughout college I had "ballooned" to a whole 125 pounds! (keep in mind I'm extremely short).
So what stopped me in my destructive path? Goddamn acid reflux!
While in England the meat pies, the gravy, the mashed potatoes, the rich beer - all of it destroyed my stomach three days before I left the country. I felt dizzy eating meat for a year. Everything I ate gave me intense heartburn. Salad gave me heartburn!
This was around the time M and I began dating. One night I woke up with intense stomach/side cramps. I thought my appendix was bursting. M took me to the Emergency Room and it turns out it was stupid acid reflux! They told me to take acid reducers and sent me on my merry way.
Two years went by and last year I went to the doctor because I still had acid reflux flare ups once a month. He prescribed me some intense acid reducers. I haven't had a bad flare up yet.
Has this whole experience changed my eating habits?
Meh, a little bit. I have a judgmental boyfriend who tells me when I've gone over the line. I don't really drink binge anymore either. But I do have trigger foods that will set me off.
My top three trigger foods are:
1) Rice Krispies
2) Hamburger Helper
Damn all three of them. Especially Cheetos and Hamburger Helper. It is difficult to keep them in the house without eating the entire box or bag. I bought some organic fake Cheetos the other day that taste like shit, and those definitely helped keep me away. Except now M is eating them all the time.
Do you have any binge triggers?

M's text: Just like mommy, lazy with Cheetos