Earlier in the summer I've had little a bit of trouble sleeping, and although I've actually been sleeping better in the last month, before then I was essentially sleeping all night, and then still being tired in a morning. So, I saw the doctor who referred me for a sleep study.
For those unfamiliar with what this entails, I got a load of kit to wire up to myself while I slept. Cannulla up the nose, blood pressure monitor on a finger, three hefty straps around my body, and lots and lots of wire and tape.
The superhero t-shirt was part of the kit too, honest.
Fortunately I am very good at going to sleep because it isn't the most comfortable arrangement for resting in, nevertheless the study has been completed (slightly worried because the blood pressure monitor kept dropping off my finger in the middle of the night) and I look forward to hearing the results.
Meanwhile, things continue to be busy on the Travelling Book front. I met with Luke Arran of Hull College's Student Union yesterday, who is being amazingly supportive of the project - thanks Luke! Fingers crossed I will have a stand at Hull College's Freshers Fair next month for the project, details to be confirmed but watch this space. I did take the opportunity to abandon a traveling book in Hull College's library, so we'll see where it ends up!
I've also received a load of bookmarks from Jody at Chilli Promotional Products, many thanks to Jody for her support and these will be going in a selection of traveling books!

If you do want to find out EVERYTHING about the project I have recorded a hideously long YouTube video all about the current state of the project, exactly what is in a traveling book, and the guidelines for taking part. It is ridiculously long - over 20 minutes in length - so I don't expect a huge number of views, but for those who are due to receive a book (I'm hoping to start sending them out by the end of next week) it says exactly what they're due to get.
As always, head over to the project website (www.travellingbook.eu) for all the latest information, and do pop on the forum there and say hi!