The Panther is somewhat hors de combat at the moment. His graceful leap from the patio step ended unfortunately in some imaginative swearing and a lateral malleolus avulsion fracture.
This has been a trying and educational experience for both of us.
We've had to reaffirm our committment to honesty. With the dawning realisation of what his temporary inability get around might mean came a slight insanity. The Panther thought it was better to let me know about the things he needed in a gentle drip drip throughout the day, whereas I expected he could give me a list (in 12pt Ariel) within 30 minutes of getting up.
Sympathy is entirely relative. If I'm poorly I'd rather be left entirely alone after a sympathetic person has brought me all the things I need... and gone away again. The Panther, I think, wants some cosseting and fussing. I have tried, but sadly find myself unable to deliver it. Eventually we work this out.
Optimism isn't always good. Thinking positive is, on the whole, to be encouraged, however, sometimes realism is necessary. For example an impatient pregnant person might say "I can't wait nine months, so I'll gestate in six." In the same way, a fracture takes ages. Deal with it.
Get well soon, Panther's paw. Please.