Self Expression Magazine

I Ate Dinner…. at 3pm!

Posted on the 03 November 2011 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hey guys! I seriously can’t thank you enough for all your kind comments on my Contraband Food Diagnosis. They help me so much more than I could ever explain. I feel like I have so many people cheering me on and so much support.

Today I broke my #4 rule in life……


I ate waffles for snack!

I like waffles so much I have to make this rule…. and keep it! No more waffles except for breakfast.


For breakfast I had a bowl of chex in almond milk and I was H-U-N-G-R-Y at 10:30. I gotta get on it and add some fruit to my bowl for added filling factor.


A bag of Skittles literally saved my life mid morning! I was having a monster of a sugar craving since I’ve had no sugar in exactly 3 days.


Here’s a lesson in sticking to a gluten free/dairy free and various other food’s free diet while at a Mexican Restaurant……. Tacos! Tacos! Tacos!

2 blackened chicken tacos in corn tortillas with no cheese.

I’ve been so hungry lately and this meal really hit the spot and was so filling! Loving the carbs! ;-)


I hit a major detoxing wall today after lunch and had to leave work early. My stomach was screaming at me and my intestines felt like a knife was stabbing my left side. I was really fatigued and grumpy. I’m feeling better tonight so hopefully the worst is past.


Rallied for day 3 of basketball tryouts. Love and Hate tryouts!! Love because it’s finally basketball season again but hate because I HATE CUTTING PEOPLE! It’s the worst…. and it’s always the sweetest girls. Why can’t everyone who wants to play this awesome sport get to play???

Had a fuji apple and a diet coke. Waffles were crazy filling!

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